Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oregon Bigfoot Symposium?? Bwwwwahahahahahahahahah!

My poor old POS car was running short on gas today, and as we coasted into the gas station on fumes, at the pump next to me was a SUV with allll over the side of it. They have a symposium? Really? Is it for the 5 kooky Bigfoot hunters who took some bad acid once upon a time, or is it for the Sasquatch themselves? As I was having fun giggling to myself, picturing a Harry and the Hendersons-esque Bigfoot Conference, I think the guy driving the SUV thought I was checking him out. Um. No. No, I'm sorry I'm not into Sasquatch believers. Now if it had said Chupacabra Unlimited, or The Loch Ness Monster Consortium, well then maybe.

So to all 8 of you that are going to the Sasquatch Symposium, I really wouldn't advertise the fact that you are going, or that you believe in Bigfoot so fervently that you go to actual meetings about it. Really, people who go to Star Trek conventions are way cooler than you. WAY cooler. And no I've never been to a Star Trek convention thankyouverymuch.

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